MSG-CPP: clouds, radiation and precipitation from Meteosat
The Cloud Physical Properties (CPP) algorithm is being developed at KNMI to derive cloud, precipitation and radiation products from satellite instruments such as SEVIRI onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite. The CPP algorithm development is largely done inside EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF), but also in other research projects.
While CM SAF focuses on the generation of climate data records - such as CLAAS-2.1 for cloud properties from MSG-SEVIRI - here we offer real-time products using Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) services:
- cloud parameters: cloud mask, top-height/-temperature, phase, optical thickness, particle size, liquid/ice water path
- surface incoming solar radiation (total and direct/diffuse)
- precipitation rate
The MSG-CPP service was started in 2012 and a major upgrade was implemented in March 2021. The main changes include:
- Cloud mask and height/temperature based on NWC SAF software
- Use of ECMWF / CAMS forecasts of the atmospheric state (water vapour etc.) instead of climatologies as auxiliary data in the retrieval
- Improved and extended radiative transfer calculations for the cloudy atmosphere
- A new infrared-based precipitation rate product
Note that some of the products are provided only during daytime (sun at least 6 degrees above the horizon), because their retrieval relies on solar backscattered radiation.
More detailed information can be found by following the links below: